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Taxi Ride with Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Rally Spec


Norwegian Telco Netcom uses Mitsubishi Lancer EVO Rally-Spec to film its TV commercial for their new 4G mobile broadband plan.

A combination of a high performance sports car and professional driver, equals to an ultimate ‘taxi’ ride.

Unscheduled Water Disruption at Subang Jaya


Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (SYABAS) had officially placed a note in their Facebook page regarding the un-scheduled water disruption at Subang Jaya and several part of Petaling Jaya. This is due to the water reservoirs at Effingham, Bukit Gasing and Subang Airport are currently at low level.

According to Puspel Syabas Customer Service, there is no definite date and time for the water supply to be resumed. Those who need temporary supply from tanker, you can contact Syabas Customer Service via:-

- 1800 88 5252 (24 Hours), or

- SMS to 39222 by typing PUSPEL<space><Your complaint/comment>

Please conserve your water tank now as I believe the water interruption will not be possible to be restored by today! If you are eating out, I would suggest you to dine at the unaffected areas. Follow my twitter for more updates!