The pay equity gap between men and women in Australia will not close until women are prepared to work longer hours, an academic says. Hence, I believe the scenario same goes to Asia. As many Asian are still family orientated.
"All high achievers in all walks of life ... put in long hours into their activity," Professor Wooden said.
"It's (the pay equity gap) got a lot to do with the fact that women are not prepared to work longer hours."
"The only way we can achieve this is if we have lots of role reversals, lots of men behaving like women and lots of women behaving like men."
Prof Wooden said even if workplaces were family friendly, "many women would not pursue long-hour jobs".
On average, for every dollar earned by a full-time male employee a female will earn 85 cents.
Workaround: "The only way we can achieve this is if we have lots of role reversals, lots of men behaving like women and lots of women behaving like men."
"I don't think women in Australia want that, I don't think that women anywhere in the world want that."
For women, what you need to do is really to accept the challenge, step up, actively manage and step forward. Or else we will stop mentioning equal rights.