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Toyota recalling Prius worldwide


Toyota Motor Corp. has decided to announce an official recall of the newest Prius model due to defective brakes, sources said, while Monday it formulated a policy for the recall of the Sai and Lexus HS250h, both of which use the same brake system as the latest Prius.

On Saturday, the automaker decided to announce early this week the recall of the new Prius model over a brake system defect and informed auto dealers of its decision the same day.

Since the new Prius model was released in May 2009, more than 300,000 have been sold in about 60 nations and territories worldwide, including the United States.

Sai, a model exclusively sold in Japan, went on sale in December 2009.

The Lexus HS250h went on sale both at home and abroad, including USA. About 26,800 units of these two models will be recalled, including those sold overseas.

Also subject to the recall are about 100 plug-in hybrid Prius vehicles, which can be recharged at home and elsewhere using ordinary electrical outlets and which the automaker began leasing in December.

Under the planned recall, the company will correct the electronic control program of the antilock braking system, which is believed to have caused the problem. The system is designed to prevent the vehicle from sliding sideways under sudden braking.

Toyota initially considered issuing a voluntary recall notice as it judged the brake problem is not a structural flaw. Later, however, the automaker decided to make winning back customer trust a priority by conducting the recall.