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Taiwan Entertainment Show: 100% Entertainment invited Janet Hsieh as Celebrity Guest for the day
100% Entertainment is a Taiwan Entertainment News/Celebrity Show. It is only available in Mandarin Language without English sub-title.
The detailed run-down as below:-
1. 豬鬼's opening
2. JANET基本資料介紹
3. 我家也有大明星
a. 從小生長在美國德州
b. 走遍世界各地 JANET真的愛台灣啦!
c. JANET膽子有夠大 幾層樓高的瀑布都敢跳?!
d. 剛來台灣時曾在醫院 消防隊擔任醫護人員

e. 初到台灣的 藝人不認識半個?!
Enjoy! Love Janet...
Part 1 of 5

Part 2 of 5

Part 3 of 5

Part 4 of 5

Part 5 of 5