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Leona Chin the professional lady drifter in Malaysia @ SuperGT 2009 Event

There is a well-talented and special young lady that loves Motorsports as much as I do.


I didn't know much about this talented lady in Malaysia after a several times that my friends mentioned to me. From their word of mouth, they say something like - 'there is a 'lui'(= lady) who is professional drifter as her profession with 180SX and SR20 under the hood'. Well, there aren’t many ladies that I came across actually a die-hard fan of Motorsports.


Anyway, she involved in many motorsports activity since 2006 but mainly in drifting. Of course as a professional drifter, she had taken a several driving course that certified by AADA and SIDRA.


Anyway, check out her videos and you'll find her better than what I said. Furthermore during Yokohama Drift demo in conjunction with Super GT 2009 at SIC, she got a chance to meet Drift King himself Keiichi Tsuchiya as a big finale surprise appearance.


Lastly, I classified her as 'one of the kind' especially with her talents in Motorsports. Thumbs-up!